
  • Journal of diversity in learning (JDIL)

    The Journal of Diversity in Learning (JDIL) adheres to an open-access system. This journal should include a great deal of diversity in learning as a whole and in classroom practice in the dynamic and changing reality of learning. It must also provide a new perspective on the relationship between theoretical and practical approaches directly occurring in the field. Thus, this journal invites a meeting point for several disciplines and scholars to discuss diversity in learning.

    Instrumentation, evaluation, and diversity in learning

    pISSN, 2776-3730 eISSN 2774-6690

    This journal is published 2 times a year and is published in April and December

  • Journal of Creative Attitudes Culture

    Journal of Creative Attitudes Culture (JCIC): jurnal yang konsisten membahas budaha sikap kreatif dari berbagai perspektif bidang keilmuan. Fokus utama adalah menyajikan creativitas menjadi sebuah budaya yang ilmiah. jurnal ini diawal penerbitan tahun 2019 sebagai repositori untuk publikasi karya ilmiah mahasiswa dan dosen serta pada tahun 2020 baru diterbitkan secara penuh sebagai jurnal online dengan berbasis open access.

    Terbit setiap bulan April dan oktober

  • Journal of Economic Diversity

    The Journal of Economic Diversity publishes high-quality research findings and reviews in the field of economics on the diversity of perspectives on international economic development, Diversity economics is a bridge between economic theory and practice at the micro and macro levels and consistent economic development.


    jurnal ilmu pengetahuann sosial dan humaniora